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This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public Licence (see

 -?, --usage
   Print usage information
 -h, --help
   Print detailed help screen
 -V, --version
   Print version information
   Read options from an ini file. See
   for usage and examples.
 -C, --community=STRING
   Community string (Default: public)
 -H, --hostname=STRING
   Hostname or IP of the device with SNMP access enabled
 -u, --username=STRING
   Username for SNMPv3
 -A, --authpassword=STRING
   Authentication protocol password
 -a, --authprotocol=STRING
   Authentication protocol: MD5, SHA, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (Default: MD5)
 -X, --privpassword=STRING
   privacy protocol password
 -x, --privprotocol=STRING
   Privacy protocol: DES, AES (Default: DES)
   Include the given services in the check. This option can be specified multiple times Allowed values are: all, database, ha, vpn-ssl, drouting, pop3, ntp, dns, garner, vpn-ipsec, av, sshd, apache, ftp, http, network, ips, as, imap4, dgd, tomcat, smtp (Default: all)
   Exclud the given services from the check. This option can be specified multiple times Allowed values are: database, ha, vpn-ssl, drouting, pop3, ntp, dns, garner, vpn-ipsec, av, sshd, apache, ftp, http, network, ips, as, imap4, dgd, tomcat, smtp (Default: empty list)
   Report warning if a service is in this state. This option can be specified multiple times. Allowed values: frozen, untouched, running, dead, unregistered, initializing, stopped, exiting (Default: [])
   If a service is in the specified state it is OK. If not it is critical. This option can be specified multiple times. Allowed values: frozen, untouched, running, dead, unregistered, initializing, stopped, exiting (Default: running)
 -t, --timeout=INTEGER
   Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
 -v, --verbose
   Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
   Print verbose/debug information